What is Abiliteo and how does it work?
The answer in this 1mn long video!
Once your tutor has been selected, go to his/her presentation page.
An "Order" button allows you to choose a package, to validate it and then to access the payment.
You are then invited to pay by credit card.
We use the services of Stripe, a word class partner for secured transactions.
I just paid for 10 hours of class. Can you send me proof?
You can find all your documents at any time at https://www.abiliteo.com/student/bulletins
I have booked a course. How can I connect with the tutor to take this course ?
Log in to your Abiliteo account
A "Call" button appears under the confirmed time slot
This button is active 3 minutes before the start of the session
You just need to have Skype open in the background and click on that "Call" button to be automatically put in contact with your tutor.
I have just created my account on Abiliteo and I have scheduled my 1st course. But I can't find where to enter my Skype ID ?
Connect to https://www.abiliteo.com/student in the "Next confirmed sessions" section
The "Call" button will become active 3 minutes before the start of the session : to connect to the tutor and start the course, just click on it
You can also discuss with the tutor via the internal messaging system available at "Messages exchanged with the tutor"
Check also the blue information notice
The 'Call the Tutor' button will be active 3 minutes before the start of the session, please refresh the page if the button is still disabled.
Please have your Skype account connected in the background 5 minutes before the session.
Check that Skype is running on your computer. No need to add your Tutor to call him/her: the click on the button 'Call the Tutor' calls him/her directly.
During your first call, you may see a pop-up requesting permission to launch Skype. Click on 'Launch Application'."
I would like to become a Tutor. How to proceed?
Abiliteo allows to present yourself and define your own way to work in complete autonomy.
To do so, please follow these steps:
1 - Create your account on the platform https://www.abiliteo.com/register
2 - Fill out your profile on https://www.abiliteo.com/tutor/apply, check "I'm not a robot" and click "Validate"
3 - Check the message sent to the email address you provided and click on the link received in order to validate your profile
4 - Complete / modify your profile on https://www.abiliteo.com/tutor/profile/edit (the skype-id is often not properly filled out : it is not the email address nor the name)
Please watch this video
5 - Enter your availabilities on the calendar available at https://www.abiliteo.com/tutor/calendar through drag-and-drop
Watch also our video :
I've just sent you my resume. When will you give me a feedback ?
On Abiliteo, you can promote yourself directly and give your lessons in complete autonomy.
You are not hired by the platform.
Abiliteo is a service provided to you.
How to get in touch with new customers?
Be sure that your profile is complete, accurate and attractive
Most current mistakes:
- presentation too long or too short with grammatical errors
- skype-ID wrong
Please watch this video
- no availabilities open on your calendar
a profile picture and a video introduction are ++
New customers can browse through all tutors profile and initiate the contact by choosing a tutor.
When your profile is chosen you receive an email inviting you to connect to your account.
A lot of information are available and in particular the number of hours ordered by your sudent.
An internal messaging system also allows you and your student to communicate.
On my profile, my time zone is set to Europe/London, so I imagine it will be 10 am my time, and 11 am for my student?
Each person selects their time slot once and for all in their profile and it automatically shows in the correct time slot for the other.
First, make sure that all your lessons are booked through your calendar.
Only these hours can be paid since only these hours are known to the platform.
At the end of each session you will see an update of the amounts available on https://www.abiliteo.com/tutor/credit
At any time, you can request the amount to be transferred to your personal bank account by clicking "Collect the money".
The first time, you will have to secure your identity through Stripe using "Sign in with Stripe" which is the simple, widely accessible and very secure payment system that we have chosen.
How do the courses get organized?
Once the package has been chosen and ordered, the student can access the tutor's calendar through the account.
The student can then select the time slots by clicking on them.
If the course takes place less than 24 hours later, confirmation from the tutor is required; otherwise the course is automatically confirmed.
A legend below the calendar indicates the status of each course.
Skype is not working: my student click on "Call" and nothing happen
We have noticed that a vast majority of Skype-ID are completed wrongly:
Login to your skype account
Display your profile info
Copy your "Skype Name"
Paste it in your Abiliteo profile under "Skype Name"
Please watch this video: